Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Easy layercake quilt

I had big plans when I was expecting of making a lovely baby cot quilt for B2. I had the sweetest collection of circus themed fabric lined up to make it with, it was quite boyish which was fine because despite having another surprise I was convinced beyond all doubt B2 was a boy....

Entering a week late we got to meet our little "boy" Alice so I couldn't have been more wrong!

Fast forward to a few weeks ago and I was suddenly inspired to put something together for her. Given that I'm running around with a two year old and a newborn these days, taking a trip to the local fabric shop is something out of a nightmare so my best bet was online!

I'm by no means a quilter I just dont have the skills or patience for creating those beautiful works of art but I like the idea of it.

This little baby quilt was very quick and simple to make. By using a layercake I saved myself a lot of time selecting and cutting fabrics which is something I don't have a lot of patience for!

modern quilt

Cute easy quilt

I really like the look of a modern quilt without binding so I followed this tutorial by Red pepper quilts...

layercake quilt

Be warned though using this method to finish your quilt is NOT quicker or easier, I just felt that the modern fabric worked better minus the binding. If you wanted to use binding on yours I love this tutorial it's the one I always refer to when I do use binding from Sew inspired. Honestly after following this tutorial, I felt really silly about being so scared of binding!

Little Alice has given it the official thumbs up!

colourful quilt



  1. Oh what a beautiful page...love the little one and Love love the your quilt fabric choices too

  2. Just gorgeous, I love the colours I have a layer cake to (just another project on the list :P)


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