Friday, 14 February 2014

Taking stock February (and learning something new)

I won't try and deny it, its probably pretty obvious anyhow that Blogging is not a skill I have totally mastered. Not that I have let that stop me from giving it a go be it a lazy attempt that it is (sorry for that folks)

So I've decided to do something pretty exciting and joined up to a blogging class YAY! Pip Lincolne from Meetmeatmikes has put together an inspiring and educational course that I am completely loving. Not only am I learning lots about how to make my little blog look a little more special for you, writing better posts, finding my niche, regaining my inspiration I am also lucky enough to be in class with a totally cool bunch of bloggers. Whats not to love about that??

So if you see some changes happening around here you should definitely be excited (I am)

This week I have a fun homework assignment to do called taking stock, here's mine for February

Making : Two matching Hanami dresses for my littles from here
Cooking : a sweet surprise for my loves 
Drinking : Creme Brûlée tea from T2
Reading: 123 magic
Wanting: This amazing light
Looking: at splash backs for our new kitchen
Playing: princesses and mermaids with little B
Deciding: if we can make a wedding in Wisconsin next year (I say yes Mr DD says maybe)
Wishing: for a few extra sewing hours
Enjoying: having Mr DD home
Waiting: For the council to send through our building approval eek
Liking: OPI dark nail polish on my toes
Wondering: What to cook for dinner
Loving: having Mr DD home
Pondering: the mystery of the chicken and the egg
Considering: recolouring my hair
Watching: the block 
Hoping: Ally will get bored of climbing on furniture
Marvelling: how fearless Ally is climbing up the furniture
Needing: a massage
Smelling: grated ginger
Wearing: Bonds chesties singlets comfiest flattering singlets rocking it mum style
Noticing: how badly my floors need mopped again
Knowing: I'm going to eat most of Ally's cake tonight (the perks of the job)
Thinking: I'm not going to mop the floors this close to dinner time
Feeling: happy and excited
Admiring: all the talented creative women I have just met.
Sorting: my mountain of sewing patterns neatly into folders 
Following: illustrated with crappy picture never fails to crack me up and House Nerd for inspiring beautiful Perth homes
Buying: more tea, fabric paint, art prints and cushions
Getting: excited about the mailman knocking on my door
Disliking: the hype over Ms Corby
Opening: mail parcels from internet shopping
Giggling: little B's twisted sense of humour
Snacking: on almonds and sugar snap peas
Coveting: armadillo and co rugs
Helping: nobody right now (the heartless soul I am!) 
Hearing: Cream by Prince shaaa booggie rock....

Is there something new that you really want to learn about? Don't be a lurker comment and tell me about it! (I wont bite) Or if you would like to share your taking stock list please do!

Dani xo


  1. Lovely list, and thanks for the link to House Nerd! I think I'm going to be spending a bit of time there in the next few days having a good browse! We're at the tail end of building, but I love looking at other peoples houses (in a non-weird kinda way!).

    1. Ohh awesome, I just had a look through your posts about your house it looks amazing. I am the nosiest person I know so I love looking though peoples houses totally not weird in my books x

  2. Great list! Followed your link to StraightGrain and fell in love. so much pattern-y goodness. I'm loving OPI's 'Lincoln Park after dark' myself! too :) So many colours, so little time. . .Looking forward to reading more x

    1. Thanks Candice :) Straightgrain is fabulous, I really like the sweet vintage style of her patterns. Naked Toes creep me out, they have gotta have some colour on them!

  3. Great List! Am drinking Creme Brûlée Tea too!
    Thanks for the links to Perth blog. (love your layout too)
    Jenny xx

    1. Thanks Jenny :) I love the Creme brûlée it's not quite as good as the real thing but a lot less naughty.

  4. Me too! I want to learn more about blogging as well... I might have to do this blogging class you speak of. Pip Lincolne rocks. Is it an online course? Someone just told me that Darren Rowse is speaking in Perth on Sunday on 12 things he wish he knew about blogging when he started, I really want to go! Oooh and thank you so much for mentioning me, I nearly fell off my seat when I saw 'house nerd' written, hehe so chuffed :) especially that it is in the same line as illustrated with crappy pictures.... one of my fave blogs! I love her! :)

    1. Haha you hardly need any help blogging! I think it's fair to place you in the awesome category with crappy pictures both honest and highly entertaining (obviously for different reasons). It has been a fun and interesting course and finding it very motivational. Pip certainly does rock, such a creative and interesting lady. The course is all online run over 4 weeks with a few weeks extra for the slackers like me.
      Thank you for the heads up on Darren Rowse, I've mentioned it to the Perth "pipsters" so may be able to sneak off for a few hours to have a listen.

  5. Loving the list! And the course. Well done!


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