Friday, 21 March 2014

StraightGrain Hanami Dresses

Straightgrain Hanami

Whenever I'm looking for something new to sew for the little girls I seem to be a complete sucker for something a little vintage. My latest hunt saw me looking for something with a peterpan collar which I think looks just too sweet on little girls, what I found was the Hanami dress by StraightGrain patterns.

Truth be told I am embarrassed by how long it took me to finish these. Not due to the pattern makers fault but my own bite-of-more-than-I-can-chewitis. I had these cuties cut up and ready to sew since November eek! They were supposed to be Christmas dresses but Little B was going through a "I don't like any colour but pink" moment and this is honestly the most festive looking fabric she would agree to.

I was also feeling a little guilty about the fact that I have made my girls matching dresses, something I never thought I would do HOWEVER word on the street is this is totally ok (plus Little B just loves matching her sister).

Straightgrain Hanami dress
Straightgrain Hanami dress

I liked that I was forced to revisit the invisible zipper here, I'm not great at them but  it did occur to me I am never going to be any good at them unless I keep practicing. In the end I am actually pretty happy with my efforts here.

As Ally isn't walking yet confidently I have taken her dress right up for now but there is plenty of hem to let it out once she gets her baby waddle down pat. I was thinking of doing a bit of a mash up of the Hanami and the Tinkerbelle romper from Felicity sewing patterns to make it a little more crawling bub friendly but thought it might be better to master the pattern on its own first.

Hanami dress

I really liked the Hanami dress by StraightGrain patterns, and B likes wearing it (Ally was just as happy to get around naked) so I think this one is a winner yay!

hanami dress
hanami dress
Hanami dress

I'm feeling a little sad right now as this could well be the last sewing project for some time while my little sewing space is a demolition zone SIGH but I have a great plan! I am going to teach myself how to crochet! I may even make a nice blanket for the couch or some cute winter hats or some new undies (kidding). Anyhow lesson number one is right HERE if you are interested (yay again for Pip Lincolne!)

Dani xo

P.S If you have any pattern recommendations I would LOVE to hear about them!


  1. Beautiful girls and the dresses are fantastic, I am so impressed! I'm teaching myself to crochet at the moment too, it's addictive!

  2. What beautiful girls you have! And the dresses are very pretty. I'd love to sew more for my three little daughters, but I think finding the time while they're young enough to enjoy wearing the clothes I made them is quite a challenge!

  3. The girls look absolutely fabulous in the matching dresses. Love them, what cuties. I too have taken up the crochet habit. I even posted one of my cloche hats on my little FB sewing biz page and they have been very popular :)

  4. That's a gorgeous print. Clever lady you. Your girls are adorable. I remember when mine were happy to wear matching dresses and they didn't grow up scarred by it either :)

  5. Gorgeous Dani! Invisible zippers, wow! I've had to pack up my sewing area too, luckily I still have crochet to keep my hands busy, have fun learning :-)

  6. These dresses are so adorable, I love the vintage pattern you have chosen too. My Mum use to sew my clothes but I dont think I really appreciated it until I got older and had to beg her to sew me something! Very special :)


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